Football-in-your-life is a non-profit organisation with the purpose to promote sport, children and youth welfare and to support people in need
of care. In the center of our work are sport and education activities with schools and other educational institutions in Germany, Europe and worldwide.
In practice Football-in-your-life is active in the following three areas:
The idea behind Football-in-your-life is to inspire people all over the world with football. The power of football can contribute to work on other social matters playfully. Matters like
inclusion, integration, learning the German language, equal opportunities for women and men, bullying and crime prevention, interreligious understanding and the intercultural exchange between
people are always integral parts in our projects.
If you have creative ideas for projects and cooperation based on the purposes of Football-in-your-life in Germany or abroad, please do not hesitate to contact us. Together we can discuss your
ideas and think about ways to bring these ideas to life.
Any financial support in monetary form like donations, sponsoring or fundraising is more than welcomed. Our account for donations is the following:
IBAN: DE80 5055 0020 0000 1960 10
Bank: Städtische Sparkasse Offenbach
For donations with an amount over 200 € we can issue an official donation receipt based on German law.
You can also use our donation button: